Stamp 0.85 Registered Serial Key
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Cigarettes are subject to both the cigarette tax and the cigarette and tobacco products surtaxes, collectively referred to as cigarette taxes. The taxes are assessed on each cigarette distributed in California. Cigarette distributors pay the taxes by purchasing cigarette tax stamps from the CDTFA. Distributors are required to affix the tax stamp to each package of cigarettes before distribution. In turn, distributors receive a purchase discount of 0.85 percent of the total tax value per purchase order to help offset the cost of affixing cigarette tax stamps. As of April 1, 2017, the 0.85 percent discount for cigarette tax stamps is capped at the first one dollar ($1.00) in the denominated value of the stamp (Revenue and Taxation Code section 30166). Distributors pass the cigarette taxes on to their customers, as part of the retail selling price of the cigarettes. The cost of the cigarette tax stamp includes all of the aforementioned taxes. 2b1af7f3a8